Android KitKat Accessibility

One of the new features on Android’s KitKat software update is its focus on accessibility. This is particularly interesting given this year’s focus on accessibility compliance, such as the AODA standards.

From Android’s feature description:

Android 4.4 now supports a better accessibility experience across apps by adding system-wide preferences for Closed Captioning. Users can go to Settings > Accessibility > Captions to set global captioning preferences, such as whether to show captions and what language, text size, and text style to use.

Apps that use video can now access the user’s captioning settings and adjust presentation to meet the user’s preferences. A new captioning manager API lets you check and monitor the user’s captioning preferences. The captioning manager provides you with the user’s preferred captioning state as well as preferred locale, scaling factor, and text style. The text style includes foreground and background colours, edge properties, and typeface.