Pointgrap image of user gesturing over ipad.One of the things that we try to do is imagine the future of interactivity so that we can build not only the user interfaces required, but the underpinnings to control, manage and tie it all together.

It’s this curiosity and forward thinking that led us to imagine a world in which we interact with information via gesture; whether the application is signage, communications, healthcare, or retail. We’ve spent the last year and a half evaluating the state of technology, from Kinect, Leap Motion, and micro controllers like Arduino, and minicomputers (Raspberry Pi) trying to identify likely convergence points.

Pointgrab has some really interesting technology. They are innovating using existing hardware (2D cameras built into currently available mobile devices) and reimagining the smart home.

They have a video that I find quite inspirational, perhaps you might, too: