Every week we collect some of the best web and digital design resources that will be useful for designers. This week features free font and icon sets, UI kits for iPhone 6 and Apple WATCH, and great inspirational and informative articles for designers.
Check out any of the links below and leave any comments about your favourites in the replies.


iPhone 6 UI Kit

This iPhone 6 UI Kit includes all retina quality elements in vector to adjust to any phone size.
Apple WATCH UI Wireframe Kit

Are you planning to design an app for the forthcoming WATCH? Then you won’t want to miss out on this UI wireframe kit designed specially for the new smart watch.
Material Design Icon Set (Sketch)

This set of icons for Google’s new Material Design style is compatible with the Sketch app.
24 Random Tiny Icons (PSD)

[sam id=”2″ codes=”true”]
4 Essential Layout Trends for 2015

What you find here is an interesting blend of trends and unusual layouts that will hopefully inspire you to assess the fundamental structures your applying to web design.
Designing Watch Faces for Android Wear
“Global digital product studio” Ustwo (creator of the critically lauded “Monument Valley” game) got a plum assignment from Google: design a series of digital watch faces for Android Wear. They documented their experience in this video:
Do Prettier, More Professional-looking Web Sites Increase Conversions?
The question is right there in the headline – does design actually impact conversions? UX matters investigates.
Helping Users to Absorb Change: Four Steps Designers Can Take
As we seek to understand and empathize with users, it’s critically important that we acknowledge and anticipate that at least some users may not actually want the latest update.