Every week we collect some of the best web and digital design resources that will be useful for designers. Check out any of the links below and leave any comments about your favourites in the replies.
iOS 9 GUI by Facebook

A complete iOS 9 GUI pack created by Facebook designers. It includes Photoshop and Sketch templates of a ton of elements found throughout the latest iOS release. (Link)
Apple TV OS – Free Sketch UI Kit

If you plan on designing anything for the new Apple TV OS then you’ll likely want to start with a UI kit. This will save a whole lot of time recreating default elements & give your design a native feel. (Link)
Talisman Font

Talisman is an handwriting font with a stylish look. A free version – providing just one weight – is available for download. Full version is available on Creative Market. Designed by Aku Fadhl. (Link)
26 Progress Bar Interface PSDs

From signup pages to eCommerce checkouts these progress indicators share details of our completion with each step. Yet designing your own interface from scratch can be more than a hassle. Much like buying a pre-made frozen pizza, you could also get a delicious pre-made progress bar design. The difference is that all these designs are completely free to download and use for any project. (Link)
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6 Powerful Ways Of Improving On-Site User Engagement

So you have an immersive website with the right aesthetic appeal. What is the next practical step? It is to prevent bounces and enhance on-site user engagement. However, most marketers are stuck at fluffing their website and pruning their social media page.
Keep reading 6 Powerful Ways of Improving On-Site User Engagement
Why Your Links Need a Hover Effect

Links contain text, but they should never look like text. When users read a web page, they need to be able to distinguish what’s clickable. If your links don’t have enough contrast, users could miss them.
Keep reading Why Your Links Need a Hover Effect