Every week we collect some of the best web and digital design resources that will be useful for designers. Check out any of the links below and leave any comments about your favourites in the replies.
Skybird Rough: A Crazy Font

Skybird Rough is a serif font with a retro flavour designed by Philip Trautmann. The glyphs written in small letters look normal, but try to write just in caps to get the real crazy nature and fresh style of the font. Download.
The Barista & Coffee Lover Flat Line Icon Set

Design Resources From Envato Elements

Envato Elements is coming soon, and to celebrate, they are offering some fantastic freebies to help you with your creative projects. Download.
Disney Fonts You Should Have in Your Collection

Disney fonts are typographic font types that take inspiration from Disney and its many brands, products and merchandises. Download.
“Synthetica” One Page Website Template

Synthetica is a responsive one page website template, designed to latest trends and patterns, with large visual sections, subtle, sophisticated animated interactions, boasting a blissful color scheme. The template would suit a personal portfolio, agency or collective wanting to showcase their work, articles, videos or product. Download.
Branding & TLDs: Canon’s Website is Now global.canon Instead of canon.com

Canon relaunched its global website this week with the brand new top level domain name .canon. Instead of canon.com, the address is now global.canon, the first time Canon has used the new .canon top-level domain since acquiring it back in 2015.
Keep reading Canon’s Website is Now global.canon Instead of canon.com
Prototyping Tip: Design in Sketch Then Animate In Keynote

Keynote is free, and works seamlessly with Sketch or any .svg file for that matter. A simple drag and drop of an asset allows a designer to build the interface quickly, so we can get to the animation stages even sooner.
Keep reading: Prototyping Tip: Design in Sketch Then Animate In Keynote
How to Compress Animated GIF Files Without Losing Image Quality

Most GIFs you see online are either ludicrously large files or horribly compressed. Let’s look at how to compress animated GIFs without crushing them.
Keep reading How to Compress Animated GIF Files Without Losing Image Quality
Principles of Bot Design

Despite plenty of excitement, it’s still unclear how conversational UIs can be made to work in a practical sense. But opinionated design principles can help us push past the hype, and design something real people will want to use every day.
Keep reading Principles of Bot Design
When You Should Use a Breadcrumb Navigation

If you’re ever lost in a large territory, the first thing you’d want to know is where you are. Once you know that you can figure out how far you are from your destination. This is why shopping malls offer wayfinding maps with “You are here” indicators.
Keep reading When You Should Use a Breadcrumb Navigation
The 23-Point UX Design Checklist

During the design process, some flaws in your product will go unnoticed. Those little (or sometimes big) things can do a lot to hurt the experience that the user has while using your software. We put together a list of points for you to check before the design is signed off.
Keep reading The 23-Point UX Design Checklist
The Beginner’s Guide to Google’s Material Design

You may be the type who struggles to keep up with web speak, confused by phrases like “UX (user experience) design” – or the type who confidently navigates the contemporary tech-lingo market. Either way, the language of Material Design is a subject worth understanding and mastering.
Keep reading The Beginner’s Guide to Google’s Material Design