An introduction to the internet of things The term “Internet of Things” is simply a fancy way of talking about the proliferation of sensors that are connected via a network (the internet, satellite, terrestrial cellular or RFID networks are examp...
The Importance of Mobile-Friendly Websites
This is all you need to know: Check out the full presentation here: Mobile is Eating the World...
Screen Resolutions and the Fold Line
What you need to know How do I organize my content so that it gets maximum exposure on the largest number of devices? The history “The fold” was established in the early days of newspaper printing, and refers to showing the most import...
Best Practices for Designing Mobile Websites
In 2014, no web designer can afford to ignore the mobile market. Depending on which stats you believe, mobile web browsing now represents somewhere between 20% and 25% of all web browsing. Even back in 2012, Pew Internet research showed that 31% of cell p...